Aloha Everyone, Please come and listen to our 27th podcast episode. This week we talk about: • Instragram causes a ruckus by changing their terms of service • The future of the desktop pc • Facebook Camera app sees all • Day One journal app • How to make your laptop/mobile battery last a little longer If you would like to ask any questions, please send an email to [email protected], or throw a question on our Facebook page. We would love to hear from you. Thank you for all your support and Aloha! |
Aloha Everyone,
Here are the show notes for our latest podcast, Episode 27, "All Your Photos are Belong to Us": General Tech News Instagram back tracks on their photo owning stance Windows News The PC’s past and Intel’s future Apple News Facebook Camera iOS app let’s bad guys see your information App Picks of the Week Android: SpeedTest iOS: Thred
Aloha Everyone,
Here are the show notes for our latest podcast, Episode 26, "Maps and Apps": General Tech News Google will now charge for Google Apps (business) Windows News Microsoft’s new Windows Chief discusses how long it may take to get comfortable with Windows 8 Apple News Apple TV getting Bluetooth keyboard functionality with 6.1 update Android News Kindle Fire HD & Kindle Fire 2012 iOS News Apple Maps lead motorists Down Under into danger Google Maps released for iOS App Picks of the Week Android: USA Today iOS: i.TV
Aloha Everyone,
Here are the show notes for our latest podcast, Episode 25, "Tis the Season...of Updates!": General Tech News Facebook rolls out photo sync to iPhone and Android users iOS News Gmail 2.0 available App Picks of the Week iOS: Monopoly Android: The Game of Life
Laine KohamaThis tech blog filled with Aloha is here to help everyone on their journey with computer technology. Categories
March 2014